I’ve just noticed from time to time some glitches. Other than that, I would give it 4 stars.
I’ve just noticed from time to time some glitches. Other than that, I would give it 4 stars.
I’ve been on IG for a few years now. In the beginning I really liked it. I met many amazing people on there including my best friend. The app was easy to navigate. It was my favorite in uploading pictures of my artwork. I preferred it over Flickr. But 2018 seem to take a really bad turn. My posts stopped showing under hashtags. No new people can discover me unless I post to an outside app, forum or website. Likes declined. Posts that used to get 300-400 likes now barely hit 50. My followers don’t even see my posts in their feeds not even with post notifications. I would have to post on forums and Facebook “hey come look at my pictures” for my followers to know I posted something which is grueling. In my own feed every other post is a sponsored post. I would screenshot it and post it to my stories while tagging IG. Why??? Why don’t I see people I follow and they can’t see me? My “Explore” page is so cluttered. It’s nothing I would like or would be interested in checking out. I have nothing against the Kardashians/Jenners but blocked them since I didn’t like them flooding my “Explore” section - yet I still have Kardashians/Jenners related posts flooding my “Explore” and with the Kardashians/Jenners in the top stories. If I blocked them how would they be popping up there? And lastly what is the deal with “recommended” posts? Sponsored posts appearing on my feed after every other picture I have about 10 “recommended” posts in a row. Can I see the content I followed please? Many of my friends have shut down and I’m about to too. Wrote to support everyday for over a week and no response. I’m sure reporting something would be pointless since support is nonexistent. I’m about to shut down. Update: I’m seeing an increased amount of illegal gun sales posts, graphic gore and violence, illegal porn, hate speech and whenever I report not even seconds later I get a response “we found nothing wrong”. Is IG using bots??? Because it’s clearly not working. Soon these things are going to flood IG. Law enforcement should look into this. A while ago I saw someone from Australia saying he wanted to shoot up everyone for not being able to find a girlfriend. Posts like this get ignored and then people ask “how did this happen?”
So many issues when you try to DM someone on the IPhone X. Keyboard won’t go away, can’t see what I wrote, have to exit the message and reopen it. Update it please!
This is awesome best social media other than Snapchat ❤️❤️
Improvement Tip: you should make it possible to hide your highlights instead of deleting them. Like a turn off turn on switch.
My absolute favorite app! Keep up the great work!?
I love instagram but why don’t I see other people’s highlight or why can’t I add my own highlights? My app is up to date and I’ve done other Troubleshooting like deleting the app and reinstalling! I’m become very annoyed because people I follow keep posting things in there highlights and I can’t see them! Please fix this problem before I delete Instagram for good!
Look, I love instagram, but it wont let me log back into my accounts without this super long proccess. I have four accounts and its kind of annoying that it wont let me go on them.
I don’t know if it’s just me, but the app literally just will not work for me anymore. It keeps crashing enough to where I can’t stay on it for more than 10 seconds before it completely quits. It fixes for a few hours if I delete it and reinstall it, but that gets tiring. I’m just disappointed.
You guys keep us connected in the moment, congrats
Please listen to your users. The new algorithm is horrible!
This app is really bugging , what is yo with it not letting people log into our accounts ?
I love it it’s a good way to make friends post things on the internet
It was way better until they messed up chronological order and the explore page
Instagram is one of the best apps I’ve ever got it’s safe and fun to use!!!!!???
It won’t even let me login on any of my devices, keeps on making me put in the security code but then ends up leading me back to the login page which also says unable to finish your request.
When I do a video for Instagram its only limited to 1 minute. Please can you fix this so I can do a 6 minute video. Please it will be awosome.
New to IG and loving it! Such a cool way to stay connected to my community and love that it’s made the world smaller and closer.
I got locked out of all of my accounts for no reason this app needs to be updated other have had this problem as well it continues to say sorry there is a problem with this request... I am very disappointed in Instagram and an update needs to happen ASAP.??
i cannot log into my account that is connected to my facebook please help ive tried everything