I’ve been on IG for a few years now. In the beginning I really liked it. I met many amazing people on there including my best friend. The app was easy to navigate. It was my favorite in uploading pictures of my artwork. I preferred it over Flickr.
But 2018 seem to take a really bad turn. My posts stopped showing under hashtags. No new people can discover me unless I post to an outside app, forum or website. Likes declined. Posts that used to get 300-400 likes now barely hit 50. My followers don’t even see my posts in their feeds not even with post notifications.
I would have to post on forums and Facebook “hey come look at my pictures” for my followers to know I posted something which is grueling.
In my own feed every other post is a sponsored post. I would screenshot it and post it to my stories while tagging IG. Why??? Why don’t I see people I follow and they can’t see me?
My “Explore” page is so cluttered. It’s nothing I would like or would be interested in checking out. I have nothing against the Kardashians/Jenners but blocked them since I didn’t like them flooding my “Explore” section - yet I still have Kardashians/Jenners related posts flooding my “Explore” and with the Kardashians/Jenners in the top stories. If I blocked them how would they be popping up there?
And lastly what is the deal with “recommended” posts? Sponsored posts appearing on my feed after every other picture I have about 10 “recommended” posts in a row. Can I see the content I followed please?
Many of my friends have shut down and I’m about to too. Wrote to support everyday for over a week and no response.
I’m sure reporting something would be pointless since support is nonexistent.
I’m about to shut down.
Update: I’m seeing an increased amount of illegal gun sales posts, graphic gore and violence, illegal porn, hate speech and whenever I report not even seconds later I get a response “we found nothing wrong”. Is IG using bots??? Because it’s clearly not working. Soon these things are going to flood IG. Law enforcement should look into this. A while ago I saw someone from Australia saying he wanted to shoot up everyone for not being able to find a girlfriend. Posts like this get ignored and then people ask “how did this happen?”
LulusPeppercorn about Instagram, v37.0