Also I don’t know how much do u guys actually listen to us Instagram users but I am loyal to Instagram I don’t use Facebook as much cause I find Instagram better.Now the thing that will improve Instagram a lot better I feel is the stories I feel that the 15 second time limit for the stories is to short.What would make it proper is if you guys make the time on the stories longer how bout 30 seconds I feel that will be great but if you guys feel that is to long I will be happy with 25 seconds cause 15 is just to short.If you guys can do 30 or 25 I will be happy and satisfied for the stories but heck!! If you guys can’t do that for whatever reason I would take 20 seconds better than the 15 seconds.The fifteen seconds just feels like you have to rush what you have to say its just not enough time so please change that, that would be much appreciated from one of your loyal instagramers as I am sure plenty of users will be satisfied as well.
Ascendedmystic about Instagram, v36.0