Instagram App Reviews

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PUT THE POSTS BACK IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER AND SHOW YOUR POSTS TO ALL YOUR FOLLOWERS. I have over 200 followers and yet my posts never get even 100 likes. I know it’s not a popularity contest or something, but I want all of my followers to see my post. And I want the posts on my home screen to be in the order of which they were posted. I don’t want my friends post from last week at the top and a post just shared 2 seconds ago popping up at the bottom. FIX IT

Life happens in CHRONOLOGICAL Order

Why would you change the Instagram from chronological order to random order?? That’s not Logical. Hence the LOGICAL IN chronoLOGICAL. Life happens in CHRONOLOGICAL order not the way it does in a episode of “This IS Us”. Have a setting where you can set it to “Most Recent”. Also, I use my iPad in a horizontal format & I don’t like that Instagram forces me to use it in a lateral format. I have to use Instagram in desktop form.


Please come out with an update that allows us to move posts around on our feed! PleASE

Chronological story feed

Bring it back please!!!!


This app is amazing it is fast has little faults easy functionality and not very buggy. All though this app is great it would be a five star app if they would use chronological ordering for there posts I constantly am seeing post from four days ago at the top of my feed please fix or give an option for this there is a small bug where the instagram script writing moves up to the top left corner this is annoying. And finally could you put a password on saved photos like my eyes inly on snapchat? You’ve already ripped off there storys and face filters so why not right? Thank you for your time and opportunity to improve this app.

Unorganized cluttered timeline

I didn’t have Instagram for the longest time. Tried it out, was enjoying it, and then they changed the timeline so I see things from 3 days ago and then something from 15 mins ago, followed by something 16 hours old... Get with the times... 3 days is old news. 3 hours is old news! I don’t need you to write an algorithm to tell me what it thinks I would like to see! That’s over the top, and very presumptuous. Alphabetical, Numerical, people like order. Organization. What you have here is... unorganized clutter. I’ll change my review when the timeline is in chronological order again

What’s the point

It doesn’t flip through pics, u can’t see people’s icons to tell who it even is - followed strangers inadvertently cause pic too small. Nice to post to FB but why not just use FB?

Please fix

Since the latest update, instagram keeps crashing

Story bugs

When I try to upload to my story it crashes Plz improve

The app won’t load

Every time I have opened it today, I can’t do anything except wait for the home screen to load. I can’t even tap on my profile or anything else to make it load in a separate place. It’s really annoying. Fix it.


Why can’t I use gifs anymore I don’t understand, one day I just couldn’t see them I still have the option but it doesn’t work. Am I the only one that is having this problem?

Chronological order!!!!

If you were smart, you’d go back to chronological order. Give the people what they want!


Can’t read comments from my posted photos, and it happens with multiple pictures. Please fix. Thank you

Search options, reporting fake/pornographic accounts, needs better options for blocking!

Disappointed in what pops up...refreshing it only makes more of what you don’t care to see pop up! Also, why is there phonographic garbage on there? Are there any ways to block all items that offend, rather than report each individually? And also don’t like the “reporting” options...and the continuing “oops there was an error” when doing so! Other than there a main system to block abusive content automatically? Overall, disappointing for a sm to have young children on there exposed to many crude things. Thanks for giving me an opportunity to voice my comments/concerns here!

Instagram went to sh*t with ads

Instagram use to be great until every 2nd or 3rd photo is a ad for something now. Even after turning off the background ad stuff it just keeps coming with stupid ads from company’s and individual

Unevenness !

Sticker are limited by what language you use ! Some of of my account I can make survey in story, some I cant! How annoying is it...


Im on Instagram way to much cause its soooo amazing, best social media ever!!!!!!! Luv it so much! ?




Fix this when I try to comment my typing disappears and I can send the comment

Text update

Text update isn’t working on my account. I have other accounts on the same phone and it works there, but not for my account- kinda annoying bc I love type writers. Ah

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